Friday, May 31, 2013

○ Worded Art! ○

This project was really cool!I like that I could spell out a word using paint. It's almost illusional because the black and white combine to get crazy shapes. It was super fun because painting is my second fav thing to do while in art class! This piece kind of opened my eyes into seeing how to do newer and cooler things with black paint. ☺

I feel like I could have done SSSSOOOOOOOO much better on this project. I could have made the black lines steadier and I definitely could have blended the paint better. Although, what I do feel proud of is how others are able to see what letters they are and what word is being spelled.

What really worked about this was the the four letter word. The day I created this was a day that I felt a sense of loneliness. It was a depressing day for me so i decided to pick a word that really described the mood that I wanted to be in instead of the mood that I  was in.

If I could do this project over again, I would have taken my time and ssslooooowwwwlyyyy went over the lines with a fine tip paint brush. It would have looked a whole lot better if I wouldn't have rushed through. I would also swich the letter 'E' and 'V' around to make the piece more sensible .

The most difficult part about completing this was trying to make it as neat as possible. It's really hard to stay nice and clean with a lot of black paint on little paper. But I still think I did a good job at keeping it clean! ☺

From this piece, I learned how to close my eyes, and keep my mind wide open. To be able to paint this, I had to see it in my brain. I had to imagine it on the paper. This piece has helped me learn how to imagine.

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